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Transforming Through Triggers

Transforming Through Triggers

Powerful Keys for Expanding your Ability to:

  • Respond rather than React / Defend / Distance / Pretend

  • Turn upsets into a Gateway for Healing & Growth

  • Find Clarity to Communicate & Create Healthy Thriving Relationships

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We're excited about sharing these powerful teachings & practices with you because we know first hand how transformative they can be ~ when you really engage with them.

Get ready for a fun & deep Adventure!

& (Enjoy our down home & devoted lo fi videos:)

Below you'll find 8 videos - between 10 - 30 min long

(Approximately 2 & a half hours) Accompanied by downloadable PDF's.


For best results,

We Recommend starting at the beginning and moving sequentially through the material & taking some time to do the practices.

Video #1  Transforming Through Triggers

Core Teaching

In this foundational intro teaching, we show you how to get to the roots of your upsets and understand what's happening there so you can use the tools we offer in the following Transforming Through Triggers Videos to bring healing & growth directly where it's needed and shift from reactivity to Response-Ability

Anger, Upsets & Triggers Core Teaching PDF

Video #2  Intro to Emotional Response-Ability Part 1

Learn the 3 Components of Emotional Response-Ability & Steps to dealing with triggers - Responding rather than reacting.  Instead of being caught in cycles of reactivity, learn how to use Anger & Upsets as a Gateway for Healing. Clarify your perception & your ability to Respond instead of React.

Intro to Emotional Response-Ability

Video #2  Intro to Emotional Response-Ability Part 2

Learn the 3 Components of Emotional Response-Ability & Steps to dealing with triggers - Responding rather than reacting.  Instead of being caught in cycles of reactivity, learn how to use Anger & Upsets as a Gateway for Healing. Clarify your perception & your ability to Respond instead of React.

Conscious Hearted Communication

Video #4  Cell Phone Trigger Fictional Skit

This is a fictional skit we created - a demonstration based on a very common 'Trigger" scenario. In the following videos, we will use this skit as an example to demonstrate how to work with this trigger by applying the 14 Step Reflection Process to identify & bring healing to old wounds, as well as prepare for Emotionally Response-Able Communication - Conscious Hearted Communication.

TIME OUT - How To - Best Practices

Video #5  14 Step Reflection Process Demo

This is a demonstration (based off the cell phone skit) of how to work with triggers by applying the 14 Step Reflection Process to identify & bring healing to old wounds, as well as prepare for Emotionally Response-Able Communication - Conscious Hearted Communication.

14 Step Reflective Process

Feelings & Universal Human Needs List

Video #6  Quick Review of Steps to Dealing with Triggers

This is a quick review of the steps to dealing with triggers based on the 3 Components of Emotional Response-Ability so you can Respond rather than React.

Basic Steps for Dealing With Triggers

Video #6  A Re-Sourcing Self Compassion Practice

In this video, Rebecca guides you in a Self Compassion Practice - A Key Re-Sourcing practice to help you shift states, bring healing to old wounds & their tensions in your body, and Transform limiting attitudes & beliefs about yourself. 

Video #6  Transforming Limiting Beliefs

In this video, Rebecca guides you in a Practice for Transforming Limiting Beliefs - A Key practice to help you bring healing the beliefs connected to old wounds. This practice guides you in embracing and experiencing the deeper, more empowering Truths about you, supporting your capacity to live from your center, regardless of the situation you find yourself in - so you can be more capable of responding rather than reacting. 

We are Creators.  We Create Consciously or Unconsciously &
our Creations Ripple out to all Life.

Thank you for joining us on this Conscious Creation journey to bring more joy, Love & Connection into all our lives.

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​If you've enjoyed Transforming Through Triggers & feel called to leave a testimonial, please email us

and/or copy & paste the link below on your social media

 Transforming Through Triggers ~ LoveAlive Free Gift MasterClass,

~ we certainly would appreciate it!

We're excited about sharing these powerful teachings & practices with you

because we know first hand how transformative they can be ~

when you really engage with them.

Integrating the skills & techniques from Transforming Through Triggers

takes practice over time. 

As you continue to evolve in the practice you will find that what were once triggers & old wounds will soften & turn to compassionate wisdom.

So please be gentle with yourself as you walk on this Courageous path.

Perhaps you're feeling

curious & inspired to take all of this

to the next level or feeling a need for support & 

questions answered with expanded teachings & practices. 

This is why we've created our Courses.  

Our Course, Compass of Clarity, focusses on clarifying the path of healing & growth, for yourself as an individual & in Relationship; guiding you toward finding your center & navigating your life from that deeply connected place so you can be true to yourself, and feel clear & steady ~ even when life gets bumpy.  Together, we will go deeper into the "how to" of each components of Emotional Response-Ability, clarifying our lens of perception and removing blocks & barriers to Love, Joy, & Connection.

If you're Someone who's feeling stressed, reactive, experiencing adaptive overstrain,

struggling with mood / state challenges, or "dis-regulation",

We've created our Qi Gong Therapeutic Group course for you.

We're so excited to share with you: Qi Gong from a Therapeutic lens because we've

fallen in love with the potency of this Ancient wisdom tradition & the practices of Qi Gong

for how beautifully & precisely it is able to address the challenges of trauma, strain, & dis-regulation and  guide us into profound communion 

in ways that bring healing to ~ body, mind, heart, & spirit.

To find out more about our upcoming courses, (like Empowering Communication where you'll learn the expanded teachings & practices of Conscious Hearted Communication) and our Therapeutic Coaching program, Eye of the Storm where we "walk hand in hand" with you through each of our Courses along with individual & group sessions for more personalized support, press this link:

We Look Forward to meeting you there!

Please feel welcome to email us with any questions or book a Free Consultation.
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Many Blessings!
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